
3 Parts of Your Air Conditioner You Should Know Well

By Steele Brothers Heating Inc | June 11, 2021 | Comments Off on 3 Parts of Your Air Conditioner You Should Know Well
hands moving dial on air conditioner

You don’t need the same knowledge as an air conditioner (AC) technician to use your AC. However, some basic knowledge of an AC system will help you run it efficiently. Below are three parts of your AC that you should know well. Thermostats The thermostat is a temperature sensor. The thermostat senses the temperature and…

Types of Harmful Indoor Air Pollutants in Your Home

By Steele Brothers Heating Inc | May 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Types of Harmful Indoor Air Pollutants in Your Home

Understanding indoor air quality starts by knowing the types of pollutants in our environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 13 indoor pollutants affect the air quality we breathe, which can cause health issues such as asthma, cancer, heart disease, or even death. For better understanding, we divided these air pollutants into three. Here…

Examining 4 Common Myths About Indoor Air Quality

By Steele Brothers Heating Inc | May 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Examining 4 Common Myths About Indoor Air Quality
air quality

The air quality in our homes often has a greater impact on our comfort than we realize. Unfortunately, indoor air quality can be tricky because several different factors come into play. As with any complex topic, several misconceptions about indoor air quality have spread from time to time. Here, we will clear up a few…

HVAC Systems and Air Leak Questions Answered

By Steele Brothers Heating Inc | March 29, 2021 | Comments Off on HVAC Systems and Air Leak Questions Answered
Dust out from Air Duct, Danger and the cause of pneumonia in office man.

Do you have a leaky home or HVAC system? If your winter heating bills were surprisingly high or you have concerns about what the summer cooling season will cost, take a look at what you need to know about home leaks, system leaks, and the solutions to these common HVAC issues. How Can Air Leaks…

4 FAQ About Humidifiers

By Steele Brothers Heating Inc | March 16, 2021 | Comments Off on 4 FAQ About Humidifiers

A humidifier is a household appliance that adds moisture to the air. These devices are usually inexpensive and easy to operate. A humidifier in the home also comes with many benefits. If you would like to know more about humidifiers, discover the answers to four frequently asked questions about them. 1. When Should You Get…

Buying a Split Air Conditioner? Choose an Efficient System

By Steele Brothers Heating Inc | March 12, 2021 | Comments Off on Buying a Split Air Conditioner? Choose an Efficient System

Are you in the market for a split air conditioning unit? Research from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that air conditioning accounts for at least 12 percent of the energy expenditures in U.S. homes. Therefore, before buying a new unit, you need to evaluate its performance and efficiency. A high-efficiency AC system can significantly lower your…

An Overview of Heat Distribution Systems in Boilers

By Steele Brothers Heating Inc | February 8, 2021 | Comments Off on An Overview of Heat Distribution Systems in Boilers
Basement with red heating boiler in old house interior

An Overview of Heat Distribution Systems in Boilers Every heating system needs a way to transfer the heat it generates to different parts of the house. The heat distribution method affects various aspects of the system, including efficiency and maintenance. Below are the major heat distribution systems for boilers. Steam A steam radiator consists of…

Your Radiant Floor Heating Questions Answered

By Steele Brothers Heating Inc | January 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Your Radiant Floor Heating Questions Answered

There are many ways to heat your home, and while many Americans still have forced-air systems, more and more are turning toward radiant floor heating because of its benefits. If you are looking for a new heating system are considering radiant floor heating, keep reading. What Is Radiant Floor Heating? As the name suggests, radiant…

Frequently Asked Questions About Hydronic Heating

By Steele Brothers Heating Inc | December 8, 2020 | Comments Off on Frequently Asked Questions About Hydronic Heating

Homeowners can find efficient residential heating a challenge, particularly in areas that see their share of cold weather (including, of course, the Denver area). If you want to equip your home with a more efficient and cost-effective heating system than you currently have, you should consider installing hydronic heating. A basic understanding of how hydronic…

5 Top Benefits of a Heated Driveway System

By Steele Brothers Heating Inc | November 5, 2020 | Comments Off on 5 Top Benefits of a Heated Driveway System

While heating the inside of your home is standard, many homeowners haven’t yet considered the idea of heating up the driveway. Although a warm driveway won’t keep you cozy at night, it has a variety of benefits, such as reducing hazards and eliminating the need to shovel snow. Here are some of the benefits of…