6 Reasons To Get a Furnace Checkup Before Winter Comes


You’re supposed to get your furnace checked yearly. Unfortunately, some people don’t take this recommendation seriously. This is a problem because this increases the chances of a furnace breakdown. As such, get your furnace checked yearly. By doing so, you can get numerous benefits.

1. Prevent Wintertime Breakdowns

Generally, you’re recommended to get your furnace checked after the cold season ends but before the next one rolls in. After all, people often inspect systems for potential issues following prolonged use, particularly if those systems are expected to provide the same performance in the future. These concerns make fall a popular season for HVAC technicians, meaning you might want to schedule a checkup sooner rather than later if you haven’t already done so.

One of the most pressing reasons to do so is to prevent the potential wintertime breakdown of your furnace. Wintertime temperatures mean wintertime conditions, which tend to complicate repairs and replacements. Even worse, some people won’t have been taking care of their furnaces as they should, meaning you won’t be the only one needing HVAC technicians. You can possibly survive without heating, but you’ll likely be happier if you don’t have to.

2. Reduce Your Energy Use

Keeping your home heated is responsible for a significant portion of your energy use. Due to this, making your furnace run more efficiently can trim your energy bills. You have many ways to work towards this goal. One example would be changing filters, while another would be installing programmable thermostats. However, there can be no doubt that a checkup for your furnace is one of the best ways to ensure its efficacy and efficiency.

3. Extend Your Furnace’s Lifespan

Replacing a furnace tends to be more expensive than repairing it. This means you have cause to extend its lifespan. You can’t automatically count on your furnace to reach its expected lifespan because how it’s treated has an enormous impact on how long it can last. Systems deteriorate faster when forced to work harder. That means checkups are critical because undetected issues make it harder for furnaces to work.

4. Ensure Good Air Quality

Your furnace distributes heated air throughout your building. Thanks to this, you can expect a buildup of dirt, dust, and other contaminants to affect indoor air quality. Breathing in pollutants can cause fatigue, headaches, irritation, breathing problems, and other issues for people in good health. Everything can become even worse for those with allergies and other respiratory problems. As such, get your filters replaced as recommended by HVAC technicians.

5. Prevent Emergencies

Pollutants are far from the worst issues that can show up when a furnace is broken. Some furnaces can let out dangerous substances when they have leaks and other damage. One example is carbon monoxide, which is notorious for being undetectable by humans. Another would be natural gas, which can suffocate people on top of being highly flammable. Besides this, an uncared-for furnace can also spread legionella bacteria and other human-transmissible pathogens.

6. Maintain Your Warranty

A warranty can help you with the costs of repairing or replacing your furnace. However, you must follow its terms and conditions to keep it in effect. This means you might have to schedule yearly checkups for your furnace because that can be one of the requirements. If so, always keep your service records to prove your diligence. Otherwise, expect a hard or impossible time convincing the other party to honor their obligations.

You probably want any work on your furnace done fast and done right. As such, contact Steele Bros Heating, Inc., for checkups and other heating-related services. Our representatives are ready to answer your questions.

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